"Don't worry, the water only looks cold!"
BYC frostbiting offers competitive one-design sailing to all ages. You will also find a very supportive fleet membership to help you improve your skills in dinghy sailing. Come join this enthusiastic fleet of year-round Laser and Aero racers. Racing is just off our pier using a uniquely designed “race shack” built for frostbiting. Visitors are always welcome for racing and fellowship after.
We will race from Saturday, October 19, 2024, through Saturday, March 29, 2025. The first gun is at 1:00 PM with separate 3-minute dingy-starts for each fleet through 3:30 PM.
High School students race for free. All racers must 1) register and 2) submit a written BYC Waiver of Liability. Online registration opens on Sunday, October 1.
The BYC Frostbite Season will include two series:
The 9-race fall series will run from October 19, 2024, through December 14.
The 11-race winter series will run from January 11, 2025, through March 22.
Awards will be presented after an unofficial race Saturday, March 29.
BYC Frostbiting Contact: Dave Guinther / and Flip(Philip) Myerson /
Registration Options and Waiver of Liability Form:
Register and pay online using the link below.
Download, print, and fill out a Waiver of Liability Form (available below) and email it to
If you are not able to register and pay online (better have a compelling reason), please print then fill in the Registration form below and bring it on Race Day along with your signed waiver.
However you register, all racers must print, sign and deliver a Waiver of Liability Form (email to or bring it to BYC). NO Waiver, NO Racing.
​​Click Here for Race Results
2024-2025 Race Documents
Click Photo to Register
Registration Opens 10/1